In God we trust and the rest strictly cash

In God we trust, and the rest strictly cash, seems to be the mantra for the moment, in the midst of Carona – Covid-19.

Strangely, a few years ago, I almost purchased a property at Carona, a small neat village close to Aldona in North Goa, I`m glad I did`nt !

If God is the spine of India, the fervor of the religious and the spiritualist, he/she (God), is also the unifying force for the believers and seekers of religion and spirituality, as both the religious and spiritualists largely and wholly believe in the giver and take of life syndrome.

Some would say that Carona-Covid 19 is driven by Karma, which to me suggestively augurs towards, “collective karma”, pertaining to a multitude of people contracting Carona at the same time. Is there such a phenomena or belief, I wonder. Some would say that, “collective karma” is driven by the constellation of the stars, the rare conjunction of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Ketu, in the same house/spot. They say that this is an unusual event, which last occurred some hundred years ago in the early 1900s; a culmination of events leading to large scale upheaval and multiple catastrophic events, which changed the world. Or was this a coincidence, or pure figment of someone`s imagination, I ruminate.

Be it as it may the, “karam” for the moment, seems to have been hijacked by the constant washing of hands, wearing of masks and, courting madame Social Distance, the combination of which will be the giver and taker of life, so we are ominously foretold.

If you can, “furlough” Carona by washing hands and thereby give yourself, a new lease of life, would that suggest that you have wittingly held, “Mr Karam” at bay, I wonder…

For the moment sit tight, rue and contemplate the opportunities that will come everyone`s way, once the lockout is lifted, and believe me they will, perhaps a bit staggered but they surely will come – juggernaut of opportunities` 2020..

Till then in god we trust, & rest strictly cash, as the people in horse racing would say, “break a leg”.

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